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(1) General.

(a) The City of Eugene will use the Land Use Diagram and the policies of this plan along with other City policies in making land use and other decisions regarding the plan area. The Land Use Diagram is a generalized map and graphic depiction of the policies and proposals of this plan and the Community Goals and Policies. It is a supplement to and a refinement of the Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagram. (Policy 1)

(b) Businesses shall be encouraged to landscape their sites. Where feasible, such encouragement shall include development of mechanisms to fund such landscaping. (Policy 4)

(2) University of Oregon Lands Policies (East Campus Area).

(a) The City of Eugene and the Fairmount Neighbors recognize the current University-adopted East Campus Policy as a statement of University policy governing land use in the East Campus Area. (Policy 1)

(b) The City shall encourage the University to use its property in East Campus in an orderly fashion: intensity of use will be greatest near the already dense Central Campus Area (Agate Street and 15th Avenue) and become less intense as the properties approach low-density residential uses. (Policy 2)

(c) The City shall encourage the University to use its lands currently zoned PL (Public Land District) with energy and space efficient structures and land-use patterns. (Policy 3)

(d) The City shall encourage the University to develop high – and medium-density residential units with concern for adequate parking and appropriate parking solutions, regard for landscaping, and consideration of the impact on the rest of the neighborhood. (Policy 4)

(e) The City shall encourage the University to consolidate nonresidential uses that currently are scattered throughout the area into the portions of the plan area reserved for institutional use, returning structures thus vacated to residential use. (Policy 5)

(f) On University-owned East Campus lands within the state approved University boundary, the following policies shall apply in the Low Density Residential area:

1. The only uses that may be permitted with a conditional use permit are University-owned office uses and similar support functions provided, in addition to the other criteria for a conditional use permit, those uses are compatible with a low-density residential environment.

2. As part of a conditional use permit application, the University shall demonstrate that office uses and similar support functions do not generate more automobile trips than other low-density residential uses allowed in the zone and that adequate off-street parking is provided.

3. The City shall not grant conditional use permits to more than seven of the tax lots in the Low Density Residential area and no more than five of the seven tax lots having a conditional use permit shall be located along Villard Street.

4. The preservation and maintenance of the historic architectural, single-family residential character of the Low Density Residential area is an integral part of the surrounding neighborhood. New development shall demonstrate compatibility with this historic architectural, single-family residential character, located east and south of the East Campus area, through consideration of appropriate building mass, building scale, historic architectural style, setbacks, building and entrance orientation, roof pitch and mitigation of off-site impacts.

5. The Low Density Residential area along the south edge of the East Campus Area may be developed as passive or active open space. (Policy 6)

6. Conditional uses shall not exceed a total of 35,000 square feet within the Low Density Residential area.

(g) The University shall ensure long-term maintenance for street-front landscaping on University-owned properties along Villard Street. (Policy 7)

(h) In an effort to maintain the Fairmount Neighborhood’s character, the University shall consider contributing ranked historic houses that must be moved from other areas within the state-approved University lands due to development plans for infill projects, or to replace a non-contributing house in the University-owned Low Density Residential area, if feasible. (Policy 8)

(i) The City shall attach the site review overlay zone to the University’s properties at the northwest corner of 15th and Villard. In addition, Site Review shall be required for new development within 100 feet of the one privately-owned, owner-occupied parcel within the /EC East Campus Overlay Zone (TL 3400, Map 17-03-32-44) as long as the property is privately owned. (Policy 9)

(3) Traffic Circulation Policies.

(a) The adverse effects of motor vehicle movement shall be mitigated as much as possible. (Policy 2)

(b) Traffic management techniques shall continue to be used and new techniques developed to reinforce the idea of a hierarchy of streets in the plan area. Some streets shall combine their local, collector, or arterial function with a role as primary pedestrian or bicycle ways. The use of low-volume, local neighborhood streets for through movements by truck and heavy construction equipment shall be discouraged. (Policy 4)

(c) By March, 2005, the City shall initiate a study of Agate Street between Franklin Boulevard and 19th Avenue. That study, conducted jointly with the University and the Fairmount Neighborhood Association, shall identify strategies to improve the function and carrying capacity of Agate according to the City criteria for its designated street classification. The City will implement the necessary changes. The University will participate in those improvements as development occurs and as required by the City code, to the extent that the University is directly responsible for the needed improvements. (Policy 6)

(d) The City, with the cooperation of the University and the Fairmount Neighborhood Association, shall initiate an area-wide traffic calming study for the streets within the Fairmount/University of Oregon Special Area Study boundary to determine appropriate mitigation for through-traffic utilizing neighborhood streets. Such study shall be initiated prior to December, 2008, subject to availability of funds. In the event that the City updates the Central Area Transportation Study (CATS) prior to 2008, the City shall fund and initiate an area-wide traffic calming study as part of the CATS update to determine appropriate mitigation measures for the subject area. (Policy 7)

(e) If a Traffic Impact Analysis that is required by the City Code projects that a proposed development will increase traffic on streets within the single-family neighborhood to the east and south of University-owned land, the City shall require the applicant to mitigate those impacts through use of traffic calming strategies or other mechanisms designed to discourage through traffic. (Policy 8)

(f) With the exception of alleys, vacations of streets within the state-approved University East Campus boundary should not be permitted, unless the applicant, at his or her expense, provides to the City a local street connection study that demonstrates how the proposed street system remaining after such vacation meets the intent of the Eugene Code street connectivity provisions and that such vacation will not increase traffic volumes on local residential streets. (Policy 9)

(4) Parking Policies.

(a) Steps shall be taken to gain better use of existing off-street parking areas and to discourage long-term storage of vehicles on the street. (Policy 1)

(b) The adverse effects of motor vehicle parking shall be mitigated as much as possible. (Policy 3)

(c) Parking systems adopted for any area within the special study area should avoid creating parking problems for any other area or land use of the Fairmount Neighborhood by mitigating parking impacts on the surrounding neighborhood as directed by the City. (Policy 4)

(d) New parking structures proposed by the University within the East Campus area shall be located and designed to discourage traffic through adjacent neighborhood streets, shall provide routing to and from the structure via an arterial or collector street, and shall provide access to the structure in a manner consistent with adopted City policies and City Code provisions. (Policy 9)

(5) Bicycle and Pedestrian Policies. Existing and future businesses shall be encouraged to provide safe and covered bicycle parking for employees and patrons. (Policy 3) The use of bicycles, mass transit, walking, carpooling, and other appropriate alternative modes of transportation, especially by employees working in the plan area, shall be actively encouraged and provided for in order to reduce automobile dependence and alleviate traffic and parking problems. (Policy 4)

(Section 9.9570, see chart at front of Chapter 9 for legislative history from 2/26/01 through 6/1/02; amended by Ordinance No. 20312, enacted March 8, 2004, effective April 7, 2004; administratively amended July 15, 2004; and amended by Ordinance No. 20460, enacted July 12, 2010, effective August 14, 2010.)