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(1) Land Use Element, General. Use the Land Use Diagram and the accompanying text along with other policies in the Jefferson/Far West Refinement Plan and applicable City goals, policies, and plans to provide policy direction for public decisions made affecting the area. (Policy 3)

(2) Land Use Element, Residential.

(a) Encourage both public and private actions that will improve the overall appearance of the area and the condition of residential structures. (Policy 1)

(b) Increase the opportunity for home ownership within the area. (Policy 2)

(c) Encourage a mixture of housing densities and types to allow a diverse population group to live within the area. (Policy 3)

(3) Land Use Element, Commercial/Industrial.

(a) Promote a mix of mutually supportive land uses which will help stimulate neighborhood-based economic development. (Policy 1)

(b) Encourage both public and private actions which will improve the overall appearance of commercial areas and the condition of non-residential structures. (Policy 2)

(4) Land Use Element, Public/Civic.

(a) Recognize the resources of land used for public purposes and their value to the neighborhood and broader community, and yet also address potential conflicts with surrounding uses. (Policy 1)

(b) Recognize the potential assets a church can lend to a community, yet also address the potential conflicts with surrounding land uses. (Policy 3)

(5) Land Use Element, Far West, Residential Areas, North Low-Density Residential Area. The City shall continue to recognize the area as suitable for low-density housing. Efforts shall be made to maintain and improve the existing housing stock through both public and private investments. In an effort to allow additional residential units and yet maintain the character of the area, the City shall encourage block planning, infilling, and shared housing. Access to housing units off of alleys shall be accommodated when not in conflict with other policies and goals.

(6) Land Use Element, Far West, Residential Areas, Central Low-Density Residential Area. The low-density designation recognizes existing residential development and land uses. The City shall continue to recognize the residential character of the area and provide incentives for public and private rehabilitation of rundown structures. In addition, the City shall encourage block planning, infilling, and shared housing. Access to housing units off of alleys shall be accommodated when not in conflict with other policies and goals.

(7) Land Use Element, Far West, Residential Areas, West Medium-Density Residential Area. This area shall be recognized as appropriate for medium-density housing. The City shall consider rezoning land designated PL Public Land and in use as Westmoreland Family Housing to reflect existing development. The City shall improve and maintain public access for bicyclists and pedestrians along the Amazon Canal and crossing the Amazon Canal easement.

(8) Land Use Element, Far West, Residential Areas, South Low-Density Residential Area. This area shall be recognized as appropriate for low-density residential use. The City shall encourage the rehabilitation of rundown structures, block planning, infilling, and shared housing.

(9) Land Use Element, Far West, Commercial/Industrial Areas, West 11th Avenue/Garfield Street Commercial/Industrial Area. The City shall promote development along West 11th Avenue and Garfield Street that will allow it to continue to be a major commercial corridor and yet respond to the need for efficient movement of automobile traffic. The City shall encourage the consolidation of off-street parking, the reduction of access points and, therefore, turning movements, and the grouping of compatible commercial uses. The City shall encourage businesses and property owners along West 11th Avenue and Garfield Street to provide landscaping and other amenities which will beautify the area and create a better edge between pedestrians and vehicular traffic. Businesses in the area shall be encouraged to form a Merchants Association.

(10) Land Use Element, Far West, Commercial/Industrial Areas, West 18th Avenue and Chambers Street Commercial Area. This area shall be recognized as an important commercial node. Commercial activities shall be allowed to expand or redevelop within this area in a manner sensitive to surrounding land uses. To avoid strip commercial development along either West 18th Avenue or Chambers Street, expansion of commercial uses outside of this area shall not be considered appropriate.

(11) Land Use Element, Far West, Mixed Use/Transition Areas, Mixed Use/Transition Area (South of West 10th Avenue). The City shall promote development that will provide a transition between retail and auto-oriented activities on West 11th Avenue and low-density residential developments to the north. The City shall allow zoning that permits medium-density residential developments, and/or professional offices, yet prohibits intensive commercial activities such as drive-up uses. Site review subdistrict zoning shall be applied in this area to address the relationship of the development to the residential area to the north and the commercial area to the south. Efforts shall be made to improve the area by constructing needed sidewalks, planting trees, and providing other amenities, and by encouraging access and parking in rear yard areas. The City shall recognize the need to maintain an appropriate scale of development within this area and to encourage developments that are sensitive to the adjacent park.

(12) Land Use Element, Far West, Mixed Use/Transition Areas, Mixed Use/Transition Area (North of West 12th Avenue). The City shall promote development that will provide a transition between retail and auto-oriented activities on West 11th Avenue and low-density residential developments. Allow zoning that permits medium-density residential developments, and/or professional offices, yet prohibits intensive commercial activities such as drive-up uses. Site-review subdistrict zoning shall be applied to this area to address the relationship of the development to the residential area to the south and commercial area to the north. Efforts shall be made to create a distinctive quality in this area by such actions as sidewalk construction, landscaping, and rehabilitation of rundown structures, and by encouraging access and parking in rear yards.

(13) Land Use Element, Far West, Land in Public Ownership, Public Facilities and Open Space. Land owned by the City along Amazon Canal shall be improved and maintained as public open space.

(14) Land Use Element, Jefferson, Residential Areas, West Low-Density Residential Area. Promote retention of existing viable residential structures by targeting the use of rehabilitation funds in this area and encouraging the relocation and rehabilitation of residential structures when land is needed for public or quasi-public uses. Encourage additional residential developments that will maintain the character of the area by pursuing the application of block planning and allowing additional housing units on undeveloped or underutilized sites, division of existing single-family structures into duplexes, and access to additional housing units off alleys. Promote development of public and quasi-public uses in the area that will minimize conflicts with adjacent residential areas by encouraging shared use of existing parking facilities and allowing inter-agency agreements to account for parking requirements.

(15) Land Use Element, Jefferson, Residential Areas, West Medium-Density Residential Area. This area is appropriate for medium-density residential use.

(16) Land Use Element, Jefferson, Residential Areas, Low-Density Residential Area – South of the Fairgrounds. This area shall remain a low-density residential area. Efforts shall be made to maintain and improve the quality of the existing housing stock.

(17) Land Use Element, Jefferson, Residential Areas, Low-Density Residential Area. This area shall be recognized as a low-density residential area. The City shall explore methods of encouraging an increase in residential density yet maintaining the character of the area. The City shall encourage block planning, infilling, and shared housing, in this area. Access to housing units off of alleys shall be accommodated when not in conflict with other policies and goals. The City shall encourage the rehabilitation of the existing housing stock through both public and private reinvestments.

(18) Land Use Element, Jefferson, Residential Areas, East Medium – Density Residential Area. This area shall be recognized as appropriate for medium-density residential development. Efforts shall be made to preserve the existing residential structures by encouraging rehabilitation, infilling, or relocation of structures within the neighborhood.

(19) Land Use Element, Jefferson, Commercial Areas, Willamette Street Commercial Corridor. This area shall be recognized as appropriate for neighborhood and regional-oriented commercial uses. This designation, however, recognizes that the half-block west of Willamette Street is the dividing line between residential and commercial uses. Efforts shall be made to encourage street trees and other amenities which will create a distinctive quality on this portion of Willamette Street.

(20) Transportation Element, General. In recognition of the T-2000 Plan, continue to encourage a variety of transportation mode that create accessibility for all segments of the community. (Policy 1)

(21) Transportation Element, Major Transportation Corridors.

(a) Limit the impact of arterial streets within the plan area, especially in residential areas. (Policy 1)

(b) Encourage actions that will preserve local streets for local traffic. (Policy 2)

(c) Improve the traffic flow on West 13th Avenue between Charnelton and Willamette Streets. (Policy 3)

(22) Transportation Element, Pedestrians/Bikeways. Encourage convenient, safe, and pleasant access for pedestrians, bicyclists, and handicapped persons throughout the plan area, emphasizing movements to and from: 1) Ida Patterson, Westmoreland, and O’Hara Elementary Schools; 2) Lane County Fairgrounds; 3) transit lines; 4) community facilities such as the Jefferson Pool; and 5) neighborhood commercial areas. (Policy 1)

(23) Public Service & Facilities Element, Educational/Recreational/ Leisure Resources. Maintain the Amazon Canal as an important flood control device and yet continue to develop as a distinctive recreation corridor and non-motorized transportation link. (Policy 6)

(24) Public Service & Facilities Element, Public Safety/Utilities.

(a) Encourage actions that will reduce crime and fear of crime for residents and employees in the plan area. (Policy 1)

(b) Encourage actions that will maintain adequate fire protection within this area. (Policy 2)

(c) Maintain and develop important corridors or linkages. (Policy 6)

(d) Provide safe and enjoyable access throughout the neighborhood. (Policy 7)

(e) Preserve and enhance elements that reflect neighborhood features and improve neighborhood identity. (Policy 8)

(f) Inventory and preserve historic and natural features. (Policy 11)

(g) Discourage unnecessary barriers, nuisances, and other elements detrimental to the revitalization of the neighborhood, including noise and site pollution. (Policy 13)

(Section 9.9580, see chart at front of Chapter 9 for legislative history from 2/26/01 through 6/1/02; amended by Ordinance No. 20380, enacted and effective March 12, 2007.)